Application Technologies - Henkel 接著劑 非金屬性物質,可以經由表面黏合來接合不同物質,而這種黏合可使接合物間產生相當的內聚力。 ... 設備 自 1971 年以來,現在隸屬於漢高的 Loctite 即從事高品質設備解決方案的規劃、建造與整合。 ...
樂泰LOCTITE膠粘劑系列 - 產品目錄 - 甦州奇泰膠粘劑有限公司 產品目錄 > 樂泰LOCTITE 膠粘劑系列 LED點光源紫外線燈具 型號 : UV365-LED 品牌 : CHEMITECH ... 型號 : 603 609 620 638 品牌 : LOCTITIE RITELOK HAILOK 樂泰LOCTITE 管螺紋密封膠系列 型號 : 542 545 569 567 品牌 : LOCTITIE RITELOK HAILOK 樂泰 ...
產品種類 - Henkel > Loctite Taiwan > 產品種類 產品種類 Loctite 產品種類 Teroson 產品種類 Top 全站檢索 服務 Search within area 下载文件夹 你的下载文件夹中包含如下文件: 选择所有文件 下载(压缩) 清空下载文件夹 请至少标注一个文件
Loctite 638 Special retainer - Henkel Loctite 638 is designed for the bonding of cylindrical fitting parts, particularly where bond gaps can approach 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) and where maximum strength at room temperature is required. ... Loctite 638 high strength, general purpose retainer Your ben
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LOCTITE® 638 - 高達物料供應公司 - 樂泰 3M 口罩 工業 膠水 代理商 歡迎您參觀 LOCTITE® 638 LOCTITE® 638 产品设计应用于圆柱型装配零件的粘接作 业,尤其适用于粘接间隙要达到0.25mm以及需要在室温条 件下达到最大强度的应用作业. 该产品在隔绝氧气的金属 ...
LOCTITE 638™ TDS LOCTITE® 638 , September-2013 Cure Speed vs. Temperature The rate of cure will depend on the temperature. The graph below shows the shear strength developed with time at different temperatures on steel pins and collars and tested according to ISO ...
Loctite product search - Henkel Loctite® 638 Retaining Compound High strength retaining compound. Loctite® 648 Retaining Compound Press Fit / High Strength / Rapid Cure Loctite® 680 Retaining Compound High strength, low viscosity retaining compound. Showing 1 - 9 of Results: Go ...
Loctite® 638™ Retaining Compound - Henkel Loctite® 638 is a high strength retaining compound designed for the bonding of cylindrical fitting parts, particularly where bond gaps approach 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) and where maximum strength at room temperature is required. Typical applications include loc
Loctite 638, Loctite 638 Suppliers & Manufacturers on Loctite 638 Suppliers & loctite 401 Manufacturers Directory. Source Top Quality Loctite 638 Suppliers, loctite 401 Companies, loctite 406 Manufacturers ... Haven't found the right supplier yet ? AliSourcePro Take 5 minutes to complete a buying request and